An article by NC State University shares:
Parks and green spaces provide a variety of health benefits by promoting physical activity, connection to nature and opportunities for community engagement. Nature-based programs can even be prescribed by health care providers as part of alternative, cost-effective treatment plans.
In a paper recently published in the North Carolina Medical Journal, Lincoln Larson and Aaron Hipp, associate professors of parks, recreation and tourism management at NC State, provide an overview of how parks and green spaces can help alleviate contemporary health challenges.
We recently spoke with Larson and Hipp to learn more about the value of these spaces, the programs capitalizing on their benefits, and the equity issues that exist in relation to accessibility. Check it out below.

How do these spaces positively impact physical health?
Because the benefits provided by parks and green spaces are typically free and publicly accessible, they represent a cost-effective alternative and/or supplement to conventional health promotion strategies. These spaces are especially important for physical health. They create environments that support active lifestyles and improve access to exercise opportunities. They also improve cardiovascular health by mitigating risk factors such as high cholesterol levels, hypertension and obesity.